Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Letter about Nurs Battle

Nur oct 2013
At 6 months on meds dropped her dosage by 10 mg.
 1 week later she had 2 minor seizures. Bumped her meds back up.
 Last 6mths her "Wobble Scale" would be 1/10 or 2/10 depending on the weather.
 After seizures she went to a 2/10- 3/10
 Friday night 4/10- took her to Emerg, bumped her meds another 15 mg 
Saturday morning- 5/10
 Saturday afternoon 6/10
 Saturday evening 6/10 Instantly when i came home at 9pm 8/10 convulsive movements, drunk baby calf stance.
 Took her to Emerg again. Different steroids, antibiotics. Could not take her to PEI in her state on a 4 hour overnight drive...too risky. Huge bill for basics at emerg for 48 hr care. Limited resources, limited knowledge, limited drug selection, overcrowded (3 vets for 20 animals) clinic facility, which is not 24 hours during the week.
 Amazing stranger overheard vet and I talking and paid $250 on my vet bill. Can't even believe how wonderful people can be in such a bleak time. That little bit made a huge difference... Huge. Took her out of their care Sunday morning when Nur seemed about a 7/10 and not shuttering. Because of good samaritan and taking he out of Emerg before we started blood work... Which would have meant another day in Emerg and then her own vet Monday morning, then back to the Emerg each night and each monrning carting her around while sick.
 Arrived in PEI Sunday afternoon. With a 6-7/10 happy, alert but sleepy dog.
 Did blood work. Clean as a whistle. We were worried because she had been on drugs so long, especially her liver. But she seems pretty perfect, besides this evil meningitis. She is not in pain, she is alert (besides the drugs) and, as always, happy. PEI she has the best care I can get for her. They all (vets, Emerg,PEI) told me I would get the same treatment in Halifax as if I went to the island.

I now, already, know that was not true at all. Already she has access to different drugs, tests, specialists, and level of attention, and price) She had 5 vets taking care of her and I think there was one other dog in a pen. Huge difference from the Emerg who were super busy and only really set up as a clinic with operation tables. This morning-monday- her doctors said she is slightly better then yesterday...which means something is working. She has perfect ears, no lime disease, and she came out of her spinal tap fine. Results to come shortly..
As a dog owner yourself, just use your imagination about how much a second spinal tap costs, tests, hospitalization, drugs etc.
 I never knew love like this before. Nur and I have developed way past what I ever imagined a bond with an animal could be. I thank you for that gift. She is the best thing that I have had happen to me. And she has already had a wonderful life... I just wont give up on her having more time, until she lets me know it is time.

Much love and paws crossed,
 Jenn and Nur